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Monday, October 05, 2009

Security Paper Mill , Hoshangabad (M.P) Job Openings

Security Paper Mill , Hoshangabad (M.P)
A Unit of Security Printing & Minting Corporation of India Ltd.
(Wholly owned by Govt. of India)

Recruitment of WorkMan in W-1 Level

Advt No.12/2009

Security Paper Mill , invites Application for selection of “40 ITI’s(Electrical/Mechanical/Electronics) in a phased manner”, so as to meet with the process of on-going modernization plan and superannuation of the employees in 2009-10. Particular of post & other essential details are given

Sl No Name of post Category Qualification Reservation Scale of Pay

No. of Post



(W-1 Level)

Industrial Workman

ITI in any of the relevant trades viz. Mechenical, Electrical, Electronics, from an Institute recognised by Government.

22-UR 05-SC08-ST05-OBC

Rs 5200-20200


Age Limit : 25 Years as on 30.09.2009 (Relaxable in the Case of Government Servants as per orders and Instruction issued by the Central Government and up to 40 years respect of departmental candidates) 5 Years relaxation in the case of SC/ST candidates and 3 years in the case of OBC candidates.

How to apply

1.The application should be submitted in the proforma given in the advertisement, preferably type written. 2. The outer cover should be subscribed as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF…………”3. A non-refundable Bank Demand Draft for Rs.200/- drawn in favour of Deputy General Manager & HOD, Security Paper Mill payable at Hoshangabad(M.P.) is to be enclosed. Candidates are advised to write their name and position on the reverse side of the DD. No application fee needs to be paid by the candidates belonging to SC/ST/Physically challenged category. 4. The application should be accompanied with attested copies of certificates in support of educational qualification, age and experience. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC should furnish the attested copy of the certificate issued by the Competent Authority to that effect. OBC (Non-creamy layer) candidates are also required to submit a self-undertaking to that effect. 5. Duly completed application should be sent to the Dy.General Manager & HOD, Security Paper Mill, Hoshangabad - 461 005 through registered/speed post by 31.10.2009.

Click Here For Details & Application Form (pdf)


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