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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

DRDO invites applications for the post of Senior Technical Asst-B and Technician - A

Defence Research & Development Organisation

DRDO invites applications for the post of Senior Technical Asst-B and Technician - A

Adv No. CEPTAM-03
Name of postQualificationPay ScaleAge as on 30-11-2009No of posts
Sr.Technical Asst-BB.Sc/ Diploma (Che/ Civil/ CS/ EEE/ ECE/ Mech/ Phy/ Chem/ Maths)Rs.9300-3480018-28 Yrs221
Technician-AITI (Electrician/ Electronics/ Fitter/ turner/ Welder/ MV mechanic/ carpenter/ Auto Electrician)Rs.5200-20200100

The Written Exam shall be conducted in the following cities :-

01- Ahmedabad05- Chandigarh09- Guwahati13- Kochi
02- Balasore06- Chennai10- Hyderabad14- Kolkata
03- Bangalore07- Dehradun11- Jodhpur15- Patna
04- Bhopal08- Delhi12- Kanpur16- Pune

Selection Procedure: Selection will be on the basis of written test, interview, Trade/ Skill Test & medical test. The written test will be held on 7th February 2010 (Sunday)

How to apply
Applications can be send by post or through online. The prescribed application format given can be used by taking separate Photo Copies in large size. Applications with a recent passport size photo pasted along with original Indian Postal Order and attested copies of related certificates should be send at The Director, Center for Personnel Talent Management (CEPTAM), Recruitment Section (DRDO), Ministry of Defence, Metcalfe House, Delhi-110054 on or before 30th November 2009. The envelop containing the application form should be super scribed with adv no, post code and address in the presribed format .

Details Here

To Download Application Form

NB: Online Application Form will also be available from 1st November 2009.


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